Vires Family History 3

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Vires Family History 3

The War Between the States

The War Between the States Period was the beginning of a Turbulent Period in Eastern Kentucky. Breathitt and Surrounding Counties were like the REST of the Country. Torn Apart due to the Constitutional Crisis that was Affecting the Nation. The American Civil War, contrary to POPULAR Belief, ( Which the Northern States never sought to DISPEL ) was not fought to END Slavery. It was fought due to 2 Different Interpretations of the Constitution and due to 2 Different Economic Paradigms. States Rights was an IDEAL Belief for the Inhabitants of Eastern KY due to their FIERCE Independent Streak. A Streak that STILL Continues to this Day. Those of US researching the family have constantly RUN Into the CLOSED MOUTHED Relative that refuses to pass down what has gone on before mainly because " I Don't HOLD with tellin' ye things that aint ye concern!!!!" There is a MISTRUST of the Federal Government in Particular and Any Government in General in the Hollowed Hills of eastern KY. "Jest leave Us Be to do as we see fit. As long as I aint bothering nobody there aint a problem." I have heard these SAME Exact Words from my Father. Anyhow I digress.... The War Between the States DIVIDED the VIRES family like it did to others. There were a FEW Vires's that fought in the UNION Side, though they were of different lines than those predominantly in Breathitt County. For the Most part the VIRES of Breathitt fought on the CSA side in the 5th Kentucky Rifles. Sizemores and Terry Clans fought for the CSA as well.

Recontruction and FEUDS

The Reconstruction Period was a HARD Time in Eastern KY and POLITICS took a Roll in Daily Life. As the Country tried to HEAL the Wounds of the PAST Four years, The Hard Line Republican Controlled Congress tried to Wreak Vengeance on the Shattered South. Many are the People that were COMPLETELY Destroyed during these years by Unscrupulous and Venal Men known as CARPETBAGGERS. There is not a Family in the SOUTH that doesn't have tales about how Someone in the family was WIPED Out by these Greedy Men. It has happened in the VIRES Family as well, leading one Researcher to claim that "the VIRES Family dissappears from Breathitt County soon afterwards". I claim Otherwise..... The Vires Family did not leave Breathitt. Least of All My lines anyway. Though the Fortunes of the VIRES Family in General DECLINED. We stay in Our BELOVED Hills.During the 1870's the Most TURBULENT PERIOD in Breathitt County History started.

<<<<< FEUD WARS >>>>>

The Feuds were a result primarily of the Political Instability of the Time. According to the newpapers of the Time Bands of Men would gather together to "Enforce their Belief in Proper Justice". These groups were joined by Loyalties formed during the WAR (Even to this DAY the War Between the States is STILL refered to as The WAR). For the Most Part men who fought on the Unionist side of course were despised by their Confedrate Kin. For the MOST PART even today Breathitt County residents tend to be CONSERVATIVE Democrats. many men were KILLED during this time which because of Family Ties only prolonged the Fighting. Kin is Kin still is the Code of the Mountains " Ye mess with One of Us, ye mess with US ALL!". "An Eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life." is the Basis of MOUNTAIN LAW.This Period of Eastern KY lasted from the 1870's to the mid 1910's.



It was during this PERIOD that the VIRES Families started moving to Other Sections of the COUNTRY. From Breathitt there were some that moved to OHIO, INDIANA, and ARKANSAS. There are even reports of SOME that Moved into TEXAS.